NAAR is an international, open access journal on all aspects of research, published monthly online by TWASP. Online ISSN: 1945-9098 Impact Factor : 3.75 (2023) 5-Year Impact Factor: 4.6 (2023) Acceptance rate: 42% Submission to first decision: 2 days
No submission and peer-reviewing charges are required. As an open access journal with no subscription charges, a fee is payable by the author or research funder to cover the costs associated with publication. This ensures your article will be immediately and permanently free to access by everyone from all over the world. If your paper is accepted, this fee will be collected by The World Association Scientists & Professionals (TWASP), USA.
The open access publication fee for this journal is-
Articles from United States (Corresponding and/or first author), the publication fee is 79.25 USD.( including Tax. )
Articles from Low Income countries*, the publication fee is 175 USD.( including Tax. )
Articles from Middle Income Countries* , the publication fee is 900 USD .( including Tax. )
Article from High Income Countries* , the publication fee is 1500 USD .( including Tax. )
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* Requests for waiver of the submission fee must be submitted via individual cover letter by the corresponding author and cosigned by an appropriate institutional official to verify that no institutional or grant funds are available for the payment of the fee. Letters including the manuscript title and manuscript ID number should be sent to: It is expected that waiver requests will be processed and authors will be notified within two business day.
The Waiver policy
The publication fee will be fully waived for invited authors, authors of hot papers, and corresponding authors who are active editorial board members of the NAAR. The Journal will consider requests to waive the fee partially for cases of financial hardship (for high quality manuscripts and upon acceptance for publication).
1- Does the journal have article processing charges? No submission and peer-reviewing charges are required. There is no processing charge during the review procedure of the manuscript after receiving from the potential author.
2- Does the journal have article submission charges? There is no article submission charge during the time of submission of the manuscript.
3- Does the journal have publication fee charge? There is publication charge only upon the acceptance of the manuscript
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